
Friday, February 17, 2012

Be the superlative of BEST

I would just like to share a beautiful excerpt from my read.
“There is a big secret to life, listen carefully and you will understand. Whenever we do or say anything it is because on some level of our consciousness we really want to do or say the thing. Whatever we really want to do, we will achieve. This means if we really want to change we will. The secret is learning how to want to do it.” – 7 Ancient Keys to Happiness
It keeps me thinking the consequences of my every action whether it is justifiable. Whenever I see my self caught reflecting, somehow, I feel a bit more disappointed. Why? Because it takes a lot if effort to become the person who I really want to be, the ultimate me. I am saddened by the fact that I still become nasty around people I don’t like but I am working on it though. It’s just that I still think awful about them. I know I am generally nice but there are just some times where I bark and bite.
We aren’t perfect and we have our ups and downs as humans. But what makes us more rational is how to handle the low’s of our self. And I have learned that one way to handle it is to plan ahead. We should ask our self “ what shall I look like when I get negative feeling?” . We can make a comparison of our self in different emotional struggle. Differentiate yourself when you are happy and sad. Who gives you more clear judgment from those two? If we will keep on placing ourself in a picture where we are happy and positive, any low points of our self can be surpassed.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The most contagious yet pleasurable disease

Being positive gives us better opportunities to meet good people like having better friends, colleagues, boss and so on. Others mistakenly interpret the true meaning of happiness. We have people out there feels upbeat when they have more of something than the less somebody else has of it. Like because they are wealthy, they feel happy as they can buy all the material things they want. Yet, this isn’t the case as it is only a false happiness when we think that we are happy when we are better off than others. When we see people feel positive and joyful despite of their nothingness, it rubs off on us and we can be contaminated with their inner happiness from simple contentment. And if we can define true happiness, the more we can interact with others and easier for them to feel happier too.

The most challenging part being internally happy is when we are surrounded by our ‘not so type’ of people. But being highly motivated to achieve that inner bliss we can at any way resolve to maintain our positivity no matter how many waves of anion push you to shore, you will definitely have some positive effect in your surroundings. It may give you rough road but be persistent. Always remember that we all love happy positive people and happiness attracts more happiness, chain reaction. Be the carrier of the most contagious disease in the whole universe, BLISS!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Don't Hate us Coz we're BEAUTIFUL

We really can’t please every person, even if we have done nothing against them. We also cannot appreciate everyone. But it is up to us on how to deal with them.

Even if there are people who don’t like us, we still need to treat them as a human. God created us in his like, so if we will compete with their unreasonable judgment on us, it’s not far that we are like them. We might not know what their reason is, but we all have the cause not to be like them for as long as our conscience is crystal clear. Maybe they have heard not quite fair stories about us but that’s the nature of humans, giving more importance on the bad stuffs. Let’s just say that we are all diverse, and our ways are unlike others. So it would be better if we will not take much of our time pretending to like them and just be casual. We must remember that in order to have a positive outlook in life, we must not be near of any negative source. If they are fond of judging, then let’s not take that away from them. But rather, consider it as a lifetime gift for these people. It is at sometimes good not to have everything, at least we have something to look forward to.

What matters is that we must at least not cloud our good perception without any reason and not to be like these people. Let’s be more grown-up and be more professional in civilized way. Let’s accept them as a challenge in strengthening our mindfulness, our attitude, and intellect especially on interpersonal and emotional. They still ought to be treated nice though, so if you think they need help then lend a hand. But don’t expect something in return from them. And let’s us not over analyze their attitude; they may perhaps have inner struggles no one can understand along with the reflection in their behavior.

Nevertheless, appreciate more on the people that love having you around as they won’t give any damn misinterpretation on your actions and verdicts. There are billions of people all over the world waiting to be befriended by a remarkable person like you. So don’t dwell on people who don’t like you. Love more on those guys who painted a wonderful color on your life, forget those who makes a wreck on you.

It is our moral obligation to be aware of our emotions. Self-control is the key from self-destruction that will bring negative impact to others. If we will also learn to hate, we are also opening our door of being irrational.

P.S. Be thankful that they talk about you. It only means you are like a CELEBRITY - the GOSSIP GIRL. =D

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Leave Your Past Behind

“Many people with childhood scars are hurt mostly by what somebody said to them or about them, more than what was done to them. It is an absolute fallacy if we think we are better off by motivating ourselves to achieve our goals with nasty comments, name calling and other negative motivational techniques. Sing these negative techniques may mean that sometimes we will win the battle of achieving a specific short term goal, but we will lose the war-we won’t be able to maintain a happy motivated disposition if we continually put ourselves down. When we learn to positively motivate ourselves we will not only win the battle and achieve our short-term goals, but we will win the war and be an upbeat, motivated, energetic, ball of fire-long term. “Excerpt from 7 Ancient Keys to Happiness – a 90-day Lesson-a-day Guide In Achieving Inner Bliss

We all have bad childhood experiences and memories that up to now is still haunting us. But we must not forget that we need a positive motivation to endure what we really want to happen in our life. Upon contemplating on my experiences back when I was child, the memoirs that surface doesn’t help me to feel better. I made a choice in thinking happy thoughts instead as it give me happy energy to keep going everyday. I affirm to myself that I will not let any distasteful judgment stain my advocacy in making a great change in my life.


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